385 South Maple Avenue, Suite 107
Glen Rock, NJ 07452
A dental hygienist is assisting a child with their dental care while wearing full protective gear.

Teething Rash: What You Need to Know

A dental hygienist is assisting a child with their dental care while wearing full protective gear.

July 25, 2023

Many babies develop a rash shortly after their primary teeth start erupting. The irritation isn’t caused by the teething itself, however. It’s because the infants’ gums are aggravated and/or the excess saliva the babies emanate as they increasingly chew. Drool is packed with teeny bits of food that can annoy their skin, and because 90 percent of infants dribble while teething, pedodontists see the rash in many of their patients. 

The office of Ridgewood Valley Pediatric Dentistry has a well-established reputation for providing high-quality care and compassionate service. We are an excellent one-stop solution for the oral healthcare needs of your child. Whether it’s time for an examination, a cleaning or necessary work, we will provide the expert service that your child needs and that you expect. 

The initial primary teeth usually debut when a child is 6 months old, and the rest arrive until she’s up to age 3. A mom and dad can visually detect a teething rash from symptoms such as red skin around their baby’s mouth, chin, lips and face. Non-visual indicators are when their baby acts fussy, is sensitive to touch and is a challenge to calm when crying. 

Parents can facilitate healing and impede recurrence by protecting the area from moisture, and by avoiding excessive cleaning or scrubbing, which will ward off further aggravation. 

Fortunately, teething rashes usually dissipate by themselves. But if your child’s rash doesn’t go away on time or she has other symptoms you believe are of concern, contact her pedodontist to find out if he (or she) thinks an office visit is in order. “Red flags” are red or dark purple spots, or if the rash is damp, crusty, distended, or has blisters or discharges. 

By emphasizing the importance of preventive dental care, Ridgewood Valley Pediatric Dentistry is dedicated to helping every patient enjoy the benefits of a healthy and beautiful smile. New patients are always welcome to our modern facility, which is your resource for the best in pediatric dentistry. Please call us today to schedule an appointment.

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Ridgewood Valley Pediatric Dentistry 385 South Maple Avenue, Glen Rock, NJ 07452